Monday, November 23, 2009

OK... this is just COOL!

Well, I heard it whispered that the print run for "The Secret of Ronan Skerry" was shipping out sometime this week and I even heard that a couple online retailers had started listing it.  Poking around, I came across THIS.

I'm really excited and though the retailer got the title spelled incorrectly, I will happily let it slide given that they appear to be a German retailer!


If you know of other stores listing it online, please feel free to drop a note.



  1. That is a interesting mispelling. I have the first printing of Ronan Skerry and love it.

  2. Yes... I had a chuckle when I saw the spelling. I'm glad you enjoy the Skerry digest module. As someone who worked on it, it didn't diminish the pride I had leafing through the finished product. I'm eager to see how the second printing turns out though.

