It's been confirmed. I've received word that the full sized edition of the 'Secret of Ronan Skerry' has been sent to the distributors a few days ago which means it's just a matter of time before it starts showing up on the shelves of reputable game stores.
Aside from that:

Aside from that:
- 'DB6: Dwellers in the Darkness' is out and should soon be announced as available from TLG for C&C
- 'Of Gods & Monsters' has also been made available in PDF format at various electronic retailers such as RPGNow! Actually, it's been available for a week or two...
- The next Dragons of Aihrde accessory should be out soon and I suspect will make it out before the end of the month and the next Dwarven Glory installment is also rumored to be coming out in the next little while.
Cool! I own the digest-sized version and love the module. I was going to write a review on my blog in the next few weeks to coincide with the release but wanted to find out if there was any change in content from the digest version of Ronan Skerry (or Scary) before I wrote up a review.