The original edition of Death Frost Doom is nothing fancy in terms of presentation but, like the Millenium Falcon, "she's got it where it counts, kid." It was a scenario which was just shy of 30 pages and played as a great, atmospheric, dungeon crawl. It essentially starts off with an encounter with an old man which sets the stage. Beyond that, a lot is dependent on what the characters end up doing. The more they do, the more they will get out of the adventure. The adventure is really more open ended than not and is easy enough to insert in an existing campaign or, given the likely outcome of the adventure, just as useful for a very memorable one-shot.
The new edition is gorgeous and I knew it was going to be. I had seen some pictures including the 'misprints' which caused a delay in this new title and others that fans had been waiting on to order from the webstore. In large part, this is why I waited on this particular review -- I wanted to hold the book in my hands. Sadly, it's on the slow boat and I'm still waiting for a physical copy of the book. However, since I'm gearing up with a new campaign, this might end up being the perfect scenario to kick things off with. First off all, regarding the size -- I'm a complete convert. It's a bit bigger than one would consider 'digest size' and the closest would be the 6x9" format like you see in the Explorer's Edition of Savage Worlds or FATE Core books. It's a good size and, while Arcana Creations hasn't yet managed to sneak out a print release in some time, 6x9" is the size we will be releasing in when we do. The reason for this is convenience in a world were people love their electronic devices as well as their books; the smaller format will display great on 7" - 10" tablets. If my print edition doesn't show up before I start the game, the trusty PDF will get me by and be perfect on my 7" tablet. Frankly, this is how it should be and while print will never die, making it as easy and friendly as possible to use beyond print is the way to go. Death Frost Doom and the rest of LotFP product line all look great on my tablet which is ideal for a GM on the go on the odd time they have to travel light.
The cover is fantastic but retains the styling of the original and the art within this new edition is by far some of the best art I've seen in a gaming product in recent memory. That's not to say there isn't some great art out there but few gaming books, be it a supplement, rulebook, or adventure module use it as well as this book does. As you flip through the book, the art you see just draws you in further and really sets the stage in the mind of the reader which, as a GM is nothing but a good thing. If the pictures and text make you uncomfortable, maybe the entire line from LotFP is best avoided. The reason the art works in here is also the start black and white nature of the images... not grey scale -- black and white. Those who own the original will also notice the maps in this version have had a serious update and upgrade. The whole package is slick and professional putting to rest notions that a small press can't make nice things.
As to the contents of the adventure itself, experienced GMs and newcomers alike will find many things to assist them in running the scenario. The adventure does this in a manner by supplying a lot of 'what if' scenarios and results that follow based on what the players decide to go... What if they party does this... what if it does that instead. Even the most experienced GM might be momentarily caught off guard by what the crazy players think up next. Naturally, reading a published scenario before putting the players through its paces is always sound advice. The same goes here really but it's nice to see that an attempt has been made to 'head the unruly party off at the pass'. Scattered throughout the text are various random tables to add a bit of 'fun' to the adventure and, by doing so, saves a creative GM a bit of work. Of course, all of these tables and bits can easily be minded to use elsewhere if (for whatever reason) the scenario itself isn't a good 'fit' for the group.

That isn't to say there isn't some laughs to be had here either. More than a couple pages is devoted to an organ and what happens when you play a variety of songs on it. My favorite being what happens if someone plays the notes that Peter Venkman plays at Dana's apartment.

But, as a said, that's my opinion. Others reading Death From Doom will certainly think the work flows and works very well as-is. I do think it's nearly perfect and, aside from a couple miniscule hiccups with editing and layout, other works will have difficulties stacking up against it.
If you don't have Death Frost Doom but where thinking about it, take the climb up that frigid mountain, for it is well worth the effort. If looking for just a PDF version, it is available at RPGNow! (OBS services) over HERE. Naturally, you can go to the source and get a dead-tree version along with the PDF HERE.
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